Sunday, March 17, 2019

Personal Selling Process

Personal Selling

         Personal selling is also known as face-to-face selling in which one person who is the salesman tries to convince the customer in buying a product.

      It is a promotional method by which the salesperson uses his or her skills and abilities in an attempt to make a sale.  


      Salesperson uses his or her interpersonal skills to persuade a customer in buying a particular product.
      The salesperson tries to highlight various features of the product to convince the customer that it will only add value.
      The company wants to spread awareness about the product for which it adopts a person-to-person approach.
      Personal selling can take place through two different channels through retail and through direct to the consumer channel.
     Under the retail channel, a sales person interacts with potential customers who come on their own to enquire about a product. The job of the salesperson is to make sure that he understands the need of the customers and accordingly shows various products that he keeps under that category.
     Under the direct channel, a salesperson visits potential customers in an attempt to make them aware about a new product that the company is launching or it may have a new offer which the customers may not get from the open market.

Steps in Personal Selling Process
1. Prospecting. 
2. Pre-Approach.
3. Approach.
4. Presenting.
5. Handling objections.
6. Closing.
7. Follow up.


      Sales representatives look for new customers that they can potentially sell their products to.
      This can be done by cold calling or by going out into the market and talking to people.
      This part of the process is a numbers game, and the sales representative has to contact many people.
      Prospects may come from Referrals from existing customers, suppliers & dealers.
      They may come from resources such as directories newspapers public activities of the firms.
      Once prospects have been identified the need is to qualify for being screened to see if they are good prospects.


      Once the Prospect has been identified and qualified the next step is to approach.
      Salesperson gatherers information to use in the attempt to make the sale.
      Salesperson investigates the prospect in Greater depth and plan the sales call.
      Salesperson determines where the specific target market consumer is in the purchasing process.

      The approach is the next step in the process and it is also one of the most important.
      During this step, the sales representative takes a minute or two to try to get to know the prospect.
      This phase usually involves some small talk to warm up the prospect and help them open up. 


      This involves demonstrating the product or service and showing the customer why they need it.
      The Sales Representative should focus on the features and benefits of the product or service during this part of the process.
      Purpose of presentation is to provide knowledge about the future advantages and benefits of the product.
      Telling the product story to the prospect showing how the product will solve a problem for the market.
Handling Objections

      Sales representative will have to overcome objections by the customer.
      Many customers have questions and concerns at this point of the sales process.
      The sales representative can answer the questions and overcome any objections successfully, the barriers for a successful sale will be removed.
      Sales representative will have to overcome objections by the customer.
      Many customers have questions and concerns at this point of the sales process.
      The sales representative can answer the questions and overcome any objections successfully, the barriers for a successful sale will be removed.


      This can involve writing up an invoice.
      Providing any final information to the customer.
      At this stage of the process, you may need to negotiate the final sales price and any payment terms.

Follow up

      Sales representative follows up with the customer to find out if they are pleased.
      If there were any issues with the product, the sales Exe. can work with the customer to get them resolved.
      If the customer is happy, the sales exe. can also try to obtain additional referrals from the customer.

Common Mistakes
      Not understanding the selling.
      Expecting things to improve by themselves.
      Talking too much and not listening.
      Using words that kill sales.
      Not knowing when to close the sales.
      Not knowing how to close the sale.
      Lack of Sincerity.
      Not paying enough attention to details.
      Letting yourself slump.
      Not keeping in touch.

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